Two-Way Radio Use Training
Do your employees use two-way radio?
Did you know that there are laws, such as the Wireless Telegraphy acts that cover the use of two way radio communications.
Misuse of such equipment, such as swearing over the ‘airwaves’ is an offence under the law, and could potentially lead to prosecution.
The training also includes how to ensure maximum communications range from your equipment, and equipment specific features, such as ‘man down’.
Data protection and safeguarding are also covered by the training, as many organisations are not aware that they may be potentially ‘leaking personal data’.
Our trainers can tailor the training to the specific needs of your organisation, and its industry sector.
£300+VAT per group of employees, up to a maximum group size of 20.
Individual 1to1 consultation for senior stakeholders (management) of an organisation, on two-way radio use and potential data issues costs £200 + VAT (based on a half day).
For staff training of more than 20 employees, contact us for a custom price.