Equipment Hire Terms

General Terms & Conditions for Hire of Radio Equipment from ‘Yesway Communications’ (Yesway Ltd)

By hiring Goods from the business trading as ‘Yesway Communications’, the radio equipment hirer has to have agreed to these Terms & Conditions before hiring commences.

1 – THE HIRER (customer) will:-

(a) Collect the Equipment from ‘Yesway Communications’ at the beginning of the hire period, and

return to Yesway Communications at the end of the hire period, unless delivery has been arranged.

(b) Pay the hire / rental payment charges due to ‘Yesway Communications’ in advance of collecting the equipment, or delivery being made of the Equipment, unless by prior arrangement.

(c) Use the Equipment with respect, and only its for its intended purpose, in accordance with any training or instructions provided.

(d) Maintain the Equipment in the same working condition, appearance and state of repair as when you receive it at the start of the hire period. If the equipment is returned damaged, to pay Yesway Communications on demand, the cost of putting the same equipment back to the standard that you initially received it at the comencement of the hire period. It is the hirers responsibility to bring to Yesway Communications attention, any damage or faults with the equipment before accepting it at the start of the hire period.

(e) In the event of loss of any of the hired equipment from any reason, the hirer agrees pay ‘Yesway Communications’ the cost of replacement with the same (if available), or similar value equipment, to be decided by ‘Yesway Communications’.

(f) Not to part with the possession of the hired radio (or other) equipment, or any item hired or rented from Yesway Communications, or its partner businessses.

(g) Not attempt to transfer the equipment to another user / organisation during the hire period, or after.

(h) Immediately on request advise the ‘Yesway Communications’ of the whereabouts of the hired equipment.

(i) Not offer the equipment to another party as payment, security or any other reason that detriments the interests of ‘Yesway Communications’.

(j) Return the Equipment to ‘Yesway Communications’, or an authorised representative by the agreed termination date of the hiring. Failure to return equipment by the hire termination date, will incur an additional weeks charges, payable by the hirer. In addition Yesway Communications reserves the right to claim greater damages from the hirer for exceeding the agreed termination date in the event of greater loss to ‘Yesway Communications’.

(k) Responsibility for insurance and liability for, loss or damage to equipment rests entirely with the customer.

2 – This agreement shall determine forthwith (without prejudice to any antecedent claim of the Owner, namely ‘Yesway Communications’) and the Goods

may forthwith be repossessed by the ‘Yesway Communications’, or its partners in any one or more of the following events:-

(a) The Commission by the Hirer of an act of bankruptcy or his entry into any agreement with his general body of creditors.

(b) The breach by the Hirer of any stipulation herein contained and on his part to be observed and performed.

3 – The Hirer hereby declares:-

(a) That he is otherwise legally entitled to enter into this agreement on his own or (if he shall enter into the same on behalf of

another individual or on behalf of other individuals or a limited Company) that he has full authority to do so.


Unless specified otherwise on the invoice settlement terms are, 30 days strictly net. Thereafter accounts become overdue.

‘Yesway Communications’ reserves the right to charge interest on any overdue account at the rate of 2% per month.

Yesway Communications will also be entitled to reimbursement of all external or additional costs and expenses reasonably incurred in the

enforcement of its rights under this clause including but not limited to, the payment of agency and legal fees and expenses

whether incurred before or after the legal proceedings.


We can on request deliver the hire equipment to your UK address. We will use a courier service that requires a signature upon delivery. The Equipment becomes the responsibility of the Hirer at this point, and you should check for any damage before signing for it. Do not be bullied by the courier into accepting it unopened & unchecked.

The Equipment must be returned to ‘Yesway Communications’ using a “signed-for” delivery method to protect your interests, and suitable insured courier service. The Equipment remains the responsibility of the Hirer until it is received at Yesway Communications. We are happy to send email, text or phone confirmation of the equipments (hopefully safe) return.

By hiring our equipment you (the hirer) agree to the terms written above.

Thank you for hiring from Yesway Communications (yesway ltd)