Archives January 2023

ptt over cellular mast

Radio Electromagnetic Spectrum

Radio electromagnetic spectrum refers to the range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation that can be used for radio communication.

The spectrum is divided into several bands, each with different characteristics and uses.

Some examples of bands in the radio electromagnetic spectrum include:

Very Low Frequency (VLF): 3-30 kHz, used for communication with submarines

Low Frequency (LF): 30-300 kHz, used for navigation

Medium Frequency (MF): 300-3000 kHz, used for AM radio broadcasting

High Frequency (HF): 3-30 MHz, used for shortwave radio broadcasting and amateur radio

Very High Frequency (VHF): 30-300 MHz, used for television broadcasting, FM radio, and mobile communication.

Ultra High Frequency (UHF): 300-3000 MHz, used for television broadcasting, mobile communication, and satellite communication.

Super High Frequency (SHF): 3-30 GHz, used for microwave communication and radar.

It’s important to note that the use of frequency bands of the radio spectrum is regulated by governments and international organizations, such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), to avoid interference and optimise the use of these resources.


Optical Satellite Communications

Optical Satellite communications refers to the use of laser technology to transmit data through the atmosphere using satellites.

This technology is used to transmit large amounts of data, such as video and internet communications, over long distances.

The main advantage of using optical communications is the high data rate that can be achieved, which is much faster than traditional radio frequency (RF) communications.

Additionally, optical communications have a smaller wavelength than RF, which means they can transmit through the atmosphere with less loss of signal and interference.

Optical communications via satellite consist of two main components: a ground station, which sends the data using a laser, and a satellite, which receives the data and transmits it to its destination.

The satellite must be equipped with a highly sensitive detector and a highly accurate pointing system to ensure the data is received correctly.

The ground station must also have a highly accurate pointing system to ensure the data is transmitted to the correct location on the satellite.

Optical communications via satellite is still a developing technology and is not yet widely used, but it has the potential to revolutionize satellite communications by increasing the capacity and speed of data transmissions.

RF Links

RF (radio frequency) satellite links refer to the use of satellites to transmit and receive RF signals for various communications applications.

These links can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as television and radio broadcasting, internet access, telephone communications, and GPS navigation.

They are particularly useful for providing coverage in remote or hard-to-reach areas, or for establishing communication in emergency situations

    ATEX Intrinsically Safe radios


    ATEX stands for “ATmospheres EXplosibles.”

    It is a set of European Union regulations that govern the design and use of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

    The regulations cover equipment and protective systems that may be used in areas where there is a risk of a explosion due to flammable gases, vapours, dusts, or fibres.

    The regulations are based on the principles of risk assessment, and aim to prevent explosions and minimize the harm caused by explosions that do occur.

    The regulations apply to equipment and protective systems that are used in a wide range of industrial environments, including oil and gas production, petrochemical and chemical processing, food and beverage production, and many other sectors.

    It is divided in two categories:

    ATEX 137 for the workplace (work environment)

    ATEX 95 for equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres (product)
    Both categories are applicable in the EU member states and the equipment falling under this regulations must carry a mark and certificate of conformity to ATEX directives.

      radio communications services

      How to Project Management An Event

      Event project management involves planning, organising, and coordinating all aspects of an event, such as a conference, workshop, or party. The key steps in managing an event include:

      Defining the event’s goals and objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with the event and how it will benefit attendees and stakeholders.

      Creating an event project plan: Develop a detailed plan that outlines the tasks and milestones required to execute the event, as well as the resources (people, budget, equipment) needed to achieve them.

      Identifying and recruiting a team: Assemble a team of people with the necessary skills and experience to execute the event, such as planners, marketers, and logistics experts.

      Securing a venue: Find a suitable location for the event, taking into account factors such as capacity, accessibility, and cost.

      Yesway Communications, can help ensure the radio communications solution, will work around your venue, by carrying out a pre event survey.

      Coordinating vendors and suppliers: Identify and contract with vendors and suppliers (e.g. catering, audio-visual, decor) to provide the necessary services for the event.

      Promoting the event: Develop a marketing and communications plan to promote the event and attract attendees.

      Managing the event on-site: Coordinate the setup and execution of the event, including registration, logistics, and on-site management.

      Evaluating the event: After the event, assess the success of the event and gather feedback from attendees and stakeholders.

      It is important to be flexible, prioritise and keep open communication with the team and stakeholders. Also there are some tools that can help on project management and organization like Trello, Asana or even Excel Sheets


      Satellite Communications Introduction

      Satellite communications Introduction

      Satellite communications plays a vital role in modern telecommunications, enabling the transmission of data, voice, and video signals between different locations using satellites orbiting the earth. The use of satellites for communication dates back to the 1950s, with the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, by the Soviet Union. Since then, satellites have become an essential component of the global telecommunications infrastructure, providing a reliable and cost-effective means of transmitting data over long distances.

      There are two main types of satellite communications systems: geostationary satellites, which remain in a fixed position relative to the earth’s surface, and low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, which orbit at a lower altitude and move faster than geostationary satellites. Geostationary satellites are typically used for applications such as television and radio broadcasting, while LEO satellites are used for applications that require more frequent communication, such as satellite phone networks and the Global Positioning System (GPS).

      One of the main advantages of satellite communications is its ability to provide coverage to remote or underserved areas. Satellites can transmit signals over vast distances and can reach locations that would be difficult or impossible to serve using other types of communication technologies. This makes satellite communications particularly useful for connecting remote communities, providing emergency communications, and supporting military and humanitarian operations.

      In addition to providing coverage to remote areas, satellites also offer a number of other benefits. They can transmit large amounts of data at high speeds, making them suitable for applications such as broadband internet and video streaming. They are also highly reliable, as they are not vulnerable to interference from weather or other environmental factors.

      Despite these advantages, satellite communications is not without its challenges. One of the main limitations is the high cost of launching and maintaining satellites, which can make it difficult for smaller or developing countries to afford to build and operate their own satellite systems. Additionally, the latency, or delay, inherent in satellite communications can be a problem for applications that require real-time data transmission, such as voice and video calls.

      In conclusion, satellite communications is a crucial element of the global telecommunications infrastructure, providing reliable and cost-effective communication over long distances. It has a wide range of applications, including connecting remote communities, supporting military and humanitarian operations, and providing broadband internet and video streaming. However, the high cost of launching and maintaining satellites and the inherent latency of satellite communications remain significant challenges.

      I trust that you have found this satellite communications introduction useful.