What is the CEPT

The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) is an organization that was established in 1959 to coordinate policies and regulations related to postal and telecommunications services across Europe.

The organization is made up of 48 member countries, including countries in the European Union (EU), as well as non-EU countries such as Russia and Turkey.

CEPT’s primary focus is on promoting the efficient use of radio spectrum, which is the range of radio frequencies that are used for wireless communication.

This includes regulating the use of radio frequencies for different applications, such as mobile communication, broadcasting, and satellite communication.

CEPT also works to promote the harmonization of technical standards for radio equipment, to ensure that devices can be used across different countries without interference.

Another important area of focus for CEPT is promoting the development of digital technologies and services, such as broadband internet and mobile networks.

The organization works to promote the deployment of these technologies across Europe, with the aim of ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality and affordable digital services.

CEPT also plays a key role in international telecommunications policy, representing Europe’s interests at international forums such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The organization works to promote the interests of its member countries, while also working to ensure that telecommunications policies are coordinated at the global level.

In summary, CEPT is an important organization that plays a key role in regulating and coordinating telecommunications policy across Europe.

Its focus on promoting the efficient use of radio spectrum and the development of digital technologies helps to ensure that everyone in Europe has access to high-quality and affordable telecommunications services.