Archives June 2014

Misterton Music Festival Supplied with Radio Hire Solutions

The Misterton Music Festival is a new music event featuring many live acts.

The challenge we were set by the organisers was to ensure reliable instant communications between festival staff, over a twelve hour period.
Prior to the event we listened carefully to the clients requirements, and met at the festival site to carry out coverage tests.
‘Extra High Capacity Batteries‘ were fitted to the radio equipment to ensure that communication would be maintained without having to charge them during the event.
On the day before the event, we delivered the equipment as promised, and made the client aware that we were only a phone call away, if needed.
A fantastic time was had by all.

UPDATE: In 2016 a second festival was held at a new location near Misterton. We were privileged to be able to provide radio communications once again.

Event radio communications management

Listen carefully to customer event radio communications requirements

The first step in planning to manage event radio communications is to listen carefully to the client’s specific needs.
For example, does the client need every radio user to hear the transmission when someone calls, or do specific users need to be ‘grouped’ by function. An example of a ‘group’ could be car park attendants, who may only need to talk between themselves and the central event control.

Site Survey
Whenever possible, we like to survey the event site in person, prior to the event. This benefits the client by identifying any potential reasons that the radio signals may be attenuated (reduced). The results of the radio survey can then be taken into account when specifying the design of the system.
For example, if hills or large steel structures are on the event site, this may present performance challenges that need to be overcome.
By carefully selecting equipment operating at the most suitable frequency band, and possibly using strategically positioned ‘radio repeaters, can overcome these challenges.
The site survey aims to also identify RF (Radio Frequency) interference in the event locality, which could affect radio performance for your event radio communications, if not properly managed.
Event Radio Communications System Design
Once the client’s communications requirements have been established, and a site testing survey carried out, the system can be custom designed to provide reliable communications throughout the event site.
We can also provide on-site engineers, and support, during the event, if the system design incorporates the need, or desire. An example might be a central ‘base station’ and operator.

Frequency Management
Yesway, are licenced by OFCOM (the UK regulator) to provide two-way radio hire on specific hire frequencies.
When the client hires radio communications equipment it comes pre-programmed on a suitable OFCOM licenced frequency.
There is a range of frequency options available, and these will be used as appropriate to meet the client’s communication requirements.

Additional Event Communication Services

Yesway can provide additional services for the client’s event if needed. These include onsite management of the equipment, during the event. Please mention any additional requirements, when helping us design your event communication system.

Useful Links:

Planning your own event – City of Lincoln Council

Top tips for holding a public event in your community (

Top tips for planning your event (

Lincolnshire Two Way Radio Hire

Written and Copyright ©2014-2021 Craig Miles, of Yesway Communications (Yesway Ltd).