Archives April 2012

kenwood TK3201 case replacement

We can replace your broken Kenwood TK3201 case for £40.  This includes removal of your old broken TK 3201 case by our technicians, and the fitting of a brand new genuine Kenwood case.

Contact us for more details and to arrange.


Zigbee Wireless Characteristics

Wireless Connection Technology

Zigbee is a wireless connection technology created by the ‘Zigbee Alliance’ which is being used in a developing number of new products.

It is a wireless technology operating in the unlicenced  2.4 Ghz ISM (industrial, Scientific, Medical) frequency band.


Zigbee characteristics make it suitable for short range wireless communications.

It is based on the IEEE 802.15.4-specification, created by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

The technology is used to create personal area networks, also known as PAN(s).

PAN’s are created using low-power digital radio tranceivers, using Zigbee technology.

 PAN’s are used in applications including home automation, data collection, and medical devices.

Zigbee is designed to be used in small scale projects requiring wireless connection.

Characteristics of the technology is low-power consumption and RF transmit power, low data transmission rate, and short communication range.

  • Developed by Zigbee Alliance
  • IEEE 802.15.4 based specification
  • High level communication protocols
  • Used to create Personal Area Networks (PAN)
  • Uses small low power digital radios
  • Typically used for home automation, medical device data collection, other projects requiring low power & low bandwidth
  • Conceived in 1995, standardised in 2003, revised in 2006

Features of Zigbee

  • Low power
  • Low data rate
  • Close proximity data communications
  • Wireless ‘ad hoc’ network (WANET), which is a decentralised type of wireless network.

Zigbee Advantages (compared with other WPANS, such as Bluetooth & WIFI)

  • Simpler
  • Less expenditure

Applications (typical uses)

  • Wireless light switches
  • Home energy monitors
  • Traffic management systems
  • Other consumer & industrial equipment, requiring short communication range & low wireless data transmission rate
Typical  Performance
  • 10 – 100 meters range (per device), based on line of sight
  • Range dependent on both power output & environmental characteristics
  • Long distance communication possible by passing data through a ‘mesh network’, which allows the data to transfer through ‘intermediate’ devices between zigbee nodes
  • Long battery life, due to low power consumption
  • Secure communication using 128 bit symmetric encryption keys
  • 250 kbit/s, which is suited to intermittent data transmissions, such as from a sensor or other input device.

Supplied Hull FC

We are proud to have just supplied Hull FC with radio communications equipment for their pitch side coaches to keep in touch. the system included Vertex-Standard VX231 hand-portable radios and noise cancelling headsets, that allow communications to be heard over the noise of the crowd.


Improve business efficiency with radio

Businesses can improve their business efficiency by using radio communications, including walkie talkies and longer distance solutions, such as national POC systems.

In the factory environment workers in noisy & hazardous environments can benefit from noise cancelling headsets connected to voice operated walkie talkies. This allows them to be contacted by management, without having to enter the hazardous environment themselves. This not only is safer, but also time saving, and increases business efficiency.

The time savings of radio can be used factory or office wide, allowing instant communication with colleagues, with no call costs, or time to walk to them or them to your office.

Call: (01522) 740818 or (01482) 520818

starting a taxi business

Reduce communications costs and gain advantage over rival taxi companies when starting a taxi business, by choosing a complete communications package from Yesway.

We had a recent enquiry from a taxi business that started six months ago, and was spending £300 a month on mobile phone calls.

Yesway provides solutions that save you money on calls.

Taxi Silver Package

  • Taxi Radios – One base station & one mobile with magmount aerial – for one car taxi startup business.
  • Website – including domain name, standard taxi website design, website hosting.
  • £100 per month + VAT (12 month minimum period).
  • For additional taxi cars, add £20 + VAT per extra radio.
Taxi Gold Package

As above but with the additional features:

  • Website email address specific to your domain name, for example,
  • Local geographic phone number, i.e (01522) 740818 specific to you, and diverted to your mobile to receive calls from customers*.
  • One hour per month of site content updating with your newsletters etc, which helps with Search Engine Optimisation.
  • Only £200 + VAT (minimum 12 months), based on one car and one base station option detailed above.
  • Call Now on (01522) 740818 or (01482) 520818.

*Fair usage limits may apply to incoming calls to mobiles.