Archives May 2018

Entel HX482 UHF Analogue Radio

Case Study BBC Production Company

UHF Analogue handheld

We were contacted by a BBC production company based at the BBC building in Hull, Yorkshire, who were making a film out in the Yorkshire countryside for the BBC.

Unfortunately due to the tight timescales, a pre-event site range test survey was not possible.

After discussing the  Yorkshire filming location and geographical terrain, we confirmed this visually, using satellite terrain images, to ensure that the correct radio equipment was supplied.

Our recommendation was VHF frequencies, as this gives maximum coverage over open countryside.

We then arranged with the BBC production company, for the equipment to be delivered on time as agreed with the client, and collected at a time that suited them.

Their feedback was positive, and they were able to achieve their objectives of producing an outdoor location-based film for the BBC in Yorkshire.

If you run a production company and would like to ensure your film production runs smoothly, then get in touch.

We recommend that we come and carry out a site survey, prior to the commencement of filming.

This is because the material composition of buildings, and other man-made and natural obstacles, can reduce, or even prevent communications.

For example, buildings made predominantly from metal, can block radio signals from getting past.

I the production company mentioned in this blog post, was also filming inside such metal structures, then we would probably use UHF equipment instead.

Every client’s needs are different, and we have a number of technical solutions at our disposal, to solve all communications problems.

Organising an Event Using Radio Communications


Yesway Updated Privacy Policy Email / Letter

Dear Customer, or previous enquiree,

Your trust is important to us. To help explain the choices and control you have when it comes to your data, Yesway Ltd (t/a: Yesway Communications) is announcing some changes to our Privacy Policy.

These changes will affect users and customers of our business from 25 May 2018 onwards.

Want to read the full policy? Check it out here.

Looking for a quick summary of the updates? Read on:

Transparency: We’ve provided additional detail about the information we collect and how we use that information. We’ve also explained how you can exercise your personal data rights.

GDPR: On 25 May 2018, a new European Union (EU) data protection law – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – takes effect. The GDPR gives individuals in the EU more control over how their data is used and places certain obligations on businesses that process information belonging to those individuals. We’ve updated our Privacy Policy to take into account the new requirements of the GDPR.

By continuing to use our services on or after 25 May 2018, you acknowledge our updated Privacy Policy. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

We’re notifying all Yesway customers and previous contacts / subscribers about this important change. You received this email from us because you have previously been in touch with Yesway Ltd (t/a: Yesway communications). Please let us know how you would prefer us to contact you in the future.

Thank you for reading yet another privacy email, and we hope to be of service again soon.

Yours faithfully

Craig Miles for Yesway Communications (Yesway Ltd)

privacy policy email

photo of radio headset for noisy environments

Case Study – Hull FC Rugby stadium communications in noisy environments

When Hull FC Rugby club approached Yesway Communications’ with the need for noise cancelling technology to solve a problem, we were able to use our expertise in radio communications, to help them.

As you may well be aware, rugby games are pretty loud, and especially so for the referee on the side of the pitch, who needs to communicate with linesmen, and other match officials.

Communication between match officials, such as linesmen and the referee, is therefore difficult due to the noise from the fans, making audio hard to hear.

We arranged a meeting with Hull FC, at the famous KC Stadium in Hull, and went onto the pitch side to understand what the issues were.

We also examined the clubs existing communications system, including Ofcom licence.

This allowed us to seamlessly integrate the new radio equipment, with existing units.

The solution we provided was to Vertex-Standard radios, and Peltor noise cancelling headphones, which also incorporate a microphone.

The customer was delighted with the new radios, which worked as needed.

This now allows the Hull FC referee to hear communications from other radio users in the KC Stadium, and when at away games.

This Hull FC case study example is indicative of the services we offer to sports stadiums.

Each client is unique, and we don’t just sell you ‘boxes’.

We come to your sports ground, and carry out a full range survey.

A range survey ensures that there are no communications ‘black spots’.

Modern two-way radio systems can be software tailored, to enable advanced features, such as ‘man down‘, and ‘loan worker’.